heh...wouldn't that mean god's going to hell? ha! god is evil! well alright then, enjoy school. and once again i am the only one on the forum...back to boredom
"who knows, maybe starting a new jouney isn't so hard, or maybe, its already started." -kh
and that means that heaven is hell, which means that there is no heaven and that god is really the devil. maybe they have it all backwards, maybe the devil is really the good one, you never know, at least the devil isn't a hypocrite.
i've never believed in hell, and the idea of a heaven OR hell baffles me. since we would be spirit, we wouldn't feel pain--or joy, because we wouldn't have a brain or nervous system. 2nd, as a spiritual place, we know that heaven and hell couldn't be in the physical world. so now we're getting into the time/space continuem and anti-matter and it doesn't matter and what's the matter. so h & h would have to be in an alternate dimension, which means that that one episode of twilight zone was right on, so "YAY" rod serling!
i dont believe in those either. i want to believe in SOMETHING though, that you dont just rot in the ground and have complete darkness/nothingness for eternity, but practically everthing is dumb and can be discredited. i think i might look into hindus and bhuddists with their "re-incarnation" thoery, though.
or maybe they were "paid" witnesses. maybe "they" stole the body. and your right about when jesus was born because the sheep were in the pasture. it also took two years for the 3 magi to bring the gifts to him. that stupid saying, "pray to baby jesus" is a crock of shlt. he wasn't even known till he was two.
evolution obviously happens and christians deny it. my mom wants to be a christian, but she doesn't know ****. she thought Jesus' last name was Christ (which it's not). i don't know it, but i don't call myself christian. she hasn't read the bible, and doesn't go to church often. she only beleives because in god because she's afraid of hell. anyway, back to evolution. people (like my maternal parental unit) refuse to believe in it because they don't like to think of us as coming from apes. Well, we did. They also ask why do apes still exist. This is because (my theory) of something called isolation evolution (that is a factual idea, not my creation). Some sort of ape tribe must have been cut off completely from the others and had to adapt over many years to survive, the other didn't because their surrounding didn't change. humans can all be traced out of africa, but the bible says god put us in the middle east. jesus wasn't white, despite what mel gibson says. he was arab, just like the other people in the area. he was made to look white by the Europeans who portrayed him that way in art because they were white. the bible and science argue back and forth, like a boxing match. both are good ideas, but one if clearly better (eg: iceberg is better than romain)
actually, it was jesus of nazareth, son of david (they went by address and last important male relative). i don't believe we came from apes because, as many have pointed out, apes are apes. biologically and mentally, we are actually closer to dolphins than to apes. one more thing: humans are the only mammel in the world that does not have an actual bone for an erection.