Why is it America can make billions of dollars appear out of thin air every year to give to 3rd world countries and rebuild countries we blow up, but there are millions of Americans starving to death because the government can't find the money to feed them?
Why is it--in America--if your kid ditches school, the truency department arrests him (her) and fines the parents, but homeless children living in cars or boxes don't have to attend school at all?
Why is it that the people who bitch the most about high gas prices and poluting the environment and air are the ones who take the most vacations every year?
why is it that there are a million simple contraceptives a girl can take or wear, but they still insist their guy get his nut cords slashed in the name of love?
first off, it's billions, not millions. and no, it can't help anyone on earth. it's not about that. it's a pissing contest between nations to see who can shoot their rocket further, faster, who can plant their rocket first, and who can bring back samples first. we went to the moon for no reason (if we went at all). we are landing a probe on mars tonight to see if there's water there. who cares? the planet is bombarded constantly. we can never live there. it would take a ship 4.3 light years to reach the next nearest star system. that means we can make it there in 4.3 years, if we could travel at 186,000 miles per second. our ships can only go about 25,000 miles per hour. so if we wasted the money sending a (couple) up there, their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, etc., grandchildren would still never reach it. we need to fuk space exploration and concentrate more on finding intelligent life on earth. if we did, maybe they could fix this planet so we wouldn't have to worry about living somewhere else.
Why is it--in America--if your kid ditches school, the truency department arrests him (her) and fines the parents, but homeless children living in cars or boxes don't have to attend school at all?
it's because the homeless kids don't have money, so the government doesn't care if they get educated, they only care about the kids with families that have money.