oops! sorry! would you rather have 3 wishes for anything you want that does not involve more wishes or sustaining life? or have the power to sustain any one person's life you want?
that's easy for me, because i will know it before anyone else and i can do everything i want before than. i'm not afraid of dying so i think it'd be cool.
knowing you have only 60 days to live, would you rather have 1-million dollars handed to you the first day, or 1 penny doubled every day for a month?
ignorant and happy... ANYTHING and happy. and if you double a penny a day for a month, you have much more money than if you invested 1 million dollars (by the time a high return came back to you, you'd be dead).
would you like to live the average life you are right now and die of old age? or would you rather have absolutely ANYthing in the whole world you want from the day you're born till the day you die, but you give your life up at 30? (this was from logan's run)
i'd rather have "absolutely ANYthing in the whole world you want from the day you're born till the day you die, but you give your life up at 30"
would you rather get rich at a young age but end up dying poor or be poor most of your life and get rich 5 years before you die.(sorry, i suck at these)
get rich 5 years before i die. being poor is harder once you've had money, and i wouldn't want to leave my loved ones with my funeral and **** to pay for would yyou rather hate the person you love, or love the person you hate(there is a difference. the first means you hate your lover, the sencond means you love your enemy)
-- Edited by fei7000000 at 16:20, 2008-04-10
"who knows, maybe starting a new jouney isn't so hard, or maybe, its already started." -kh
i'd rather love my enemy. 'cause then i wouldn't have any enemies.
would you rather french kiss someone REALLY butt-ugly while looking at their face? or have sex with an average looking person who hasn't showered in a month?
bend space-time. it would give you absolute power in the continuem. would you rather have unlimited music the rest of your life but never see movies or tv again? or have unlimited tv and movies and never listen to music again?
music. i can read for entertainment :D so, would you rather save the life of a stranger and get sued(for ruining his death and causing injuries) or kill the stranger yourself?
"who knows, maybe starting a new jouney isn't so hard, or maybe, its already started." -kh
freeze to death. i've suffocated before and hate the feeling so drowning is definitely out. freezing to death isn't that bad. once you stop shivering, (when your body can no longer detect warm from cold), you will become more and more relaxed as hypothermia sets in. soon, you lose brain activity, motor function, then consciousness, then go nighty-night for good.
would you rather be a dog or a cat (both as a well-loved pet)?
id rather be a dog, id be the friend to a little kid and watch out for him. id also know that someone would always be happy to see me.
would you rather grow your own food and take pride in knowing that you did it your self or pay outragious prices by a store that has it already for you, and they could jack the price to what ever they want