HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... i'm sorry... that was funny. i almost shot pizza out my nose. but you know what? david's right. as the old song goes: if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.
-- Edited by Come Forth And Multiply at 21:31, 2008-04-08
You need to be more specific. Chicks might not like you because you're fat and ugly, or maybe you have no personality, or you don't shower---who knows, we don't, you're online. I'm not saying you are, lulz.
Maybe you just need to try being friends first. If you're a genuine friend, a girl will fall for you, I bet.
ok Pros: i shower every day i brush my teeth i work out (not buff, but in shape) i am a funny person (im not just saying that, i do stand-up comedy) i play almost every instrament that is used in a rock band (for realz not the video game)
cons: i don't play sports i am waaaaaaaaaaaay liberal i don't mind drugs as long as ur not an addict i don't take much seriously i crack jokes to hide my depression i am not a truly happy person
i dont really wanna come out of the closet, and i like girls too
there are a few guys i would date, but im not out yet
so there's someone i like, well i want to ask her for her phone number so we can hang out sometime. and she used to work at the same place as me, but doesnt anymore, and now the only way i can do it is over the internet. however that to me, seems weird. any advice?
Erik would prefer this to be on his advice forum and not here. Since he is taking some time off, you can take my advice for now...and later when he gets back, you could get a second opinion. Which I recommend because Erik is much more smarter than I haha...
First off, you are lucky to still have some sort of contact with her. I too have been in a similar situation. I worked with someone that I wanted to go out with. Before I could ask them in person, they had quit on a day I was off. I luckily found this person on Myspace and established communication. Anyway,
I say go with what your heart is telling you. If you really want to go out with her or hang out with her...whatever the case may be...I say, with this only way of communication (the internet), tell her how you feel and that you want to hang out sometime...maybe ask for her number and have a talk on the phone sometime. It is better to pursue possibilities than to smolder in regret.