supposedly, he was found dead many years ago of an alcohol overdose in his tub. i say BULLSHlT! not only did it not happen, but he might still be alive. wanna debate?
Jim Morrison is dead. His body was left in the tub over the weekend, and he was found dead. Why would he fake his death. Jim Morrison overdosed on something, but nobody knows exactly what. The great American singer/poet is dead and cannot possibly walking among us
no, i don't believe everything i hear. but in order to fake one's death, you would have to (repeat HAVE TO) cut ties with everyone, and change your look. you could not contact your family and you would have to fake the body, which is a whole different problem and morrison was not sober enough at all to kidnap some one to make it look like it was his dead body. there was no autopsy, but that doesn't mean it wasn't Jim's body
nor does it mean it was. the only witness to his "death" was his wife. it was in france and his mates weren't there. no one was there but his wife, and she took the truth to her grave. (your turn)
-- Edited by Come Forth And Multiply at 19:28, 2008-04-07
but that's speculation. no one knows what they plotted. or why they were conveniently alone at the time. read "No one here gets out alive". it's the unauthorized biography of his life. his mates even thought it was all suspicious that even though they rushed to france when they heard the news, the body was already gone. they even said that dying wasn't his style. the coroner said it was alcohol poisoning, but jim was used to putting down a whole bottle of booze just with dinner. at the end of this debate--not yet-- i will give you a quote from morrison that makes me believe he's alive, or at least didn't die then.
well we're fading off the debate topic here, this is about the supposed death of morrison. but you're welcome to open a topic on jury duty or whatever you want (but i don't know how many people here have served).
i think if there was just her there that found him and the body disapperaed with no one else seeing this then i think erik is right he could still be alive
his mates (and others) wanted to find out details. they flew to france to see the coroner who signed the death certificate. gues what... HE DIDN'T EXIST!
"While in a bath tub, he was found dead at the age of twenty seven. He had been under treatment by a Paris physician who mercifully stated the cause of death as heart failure thus avoiding an autopsy. His death was kept secret leading to a conspiracy theory of a faked death. A Paris funeral service took charge and Jim Morrison was placed in a standard simple french veneered coffin and a direct burial was completed at the Famous Le Pere Lachaise Cemetery in eastern Paris."
when someone can prove he was in the box, i'll believe it. it still remains that the doctor's name brought no results back. whoever wrote that could have gotten his info from a bogus source. now for the kicker: shortly before he went to france, jim got together with his mates and said, "how do you think the world would react if the famous jim morrison was announced dead, then he and the doors came back with a concert many years later?"